Matthew 4:19

"And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Monday, February 23, 2015

Training and Corrupting… muahahaha!

To start with my funny moment of the week I woke up Tuesday and took off my shirt to go take a shower and passed by the mirror and naturally couldnt pass by the mirror without stopping to look and I realized I had a 6 inch long stick bug taking a nap in my chest hair.  So that was a classic freak out and honestly wished there was a camera rolling.

First off, shout out to my dad who has a birthday today!  I know how lucky I am to have him as a father and he knows how grateful I am for him.  So be sure to call him or write him to say how awesome he is!  Love you pops.

Well, had my first week as a trainer!  It was different to say the least. At first when I was told last Sunday that I'd be training, I was a little worried.  But most of my worries and doubts have since left.  It's just A LOT of responsibility especially in my area.  Our ward just doesn't help us out very much.  I have a ward mission leader who hasnt served a mission.  Not much help from that department.  I have a class to teach every Sunday on my own as well.   With Elder F it wasnt too bad because we both were able to work together with ideas and we always had the same ideas and were good friends and were always there for each other.  But to be completely honest my companion came as a less active recent convert so naturally doesnt know much about the lessons or the mission haha.  So its difficult really having to do literally everything in our area.

At first my new comp came somewhat errogant and a little prideful (as did I and the majority of missionaries who enter the field). But after making him try to teach the majority of the lessons a few times, he realized he's got a ways to go, he humbled down a little bit haha.  Now he has a desire to learn and is studying hard so I'm proud of him!  We are different... lol.  Which again is challenging because Elder C and I were buds for the most part and Elder F and I were super tight, but I still love him and am trying to be there for him and teach him well.

So my cool experience for the week was this: so we worked our butts off this week!  Elder F and I had baptized a lot of people in our last change and had constantly looked to find new solid investigators but didn't find too many.  So our difficulty this week was finding new people.  So the end of the week we had had a ton of lessons and new investigators and we showed up to sacrament meeting and realized that none of the people that had committed to go to church were there.  I was really down... just kind of doubting myself of how I'm gonna help this area with really not much assistance... as well as train and do all this stuff on my own.  About half way through sacrament meeting I just kinda closed my eyes and said a really heartfelt prayer.  I asked to be able to feel Heavenly Father's love in that moment and be confident in myself to be able to know that I could do it.  I was almost to the point of tearing up when I said amen.  About 5 seconds later someone from behind tapped me on my shoulder.  I looked back and one of our investigators, Martha, who we weren't expecting to be there, had walked in and sat down during my short prayer.  She had this big smile and her and her son waved at me and I waved back at them.  It was honestly such a spiritual experience and I know it was Heavenly Father answering my prayers and thanking us for the work that we had put in that week.  Even though it was just two people!  I also began to be more and more thankful when I looked around and saw Fredick sitting with his girlfriend and her family who we'd been trying to activate and how awesome he has been in the last few weeks.  As well as Molly and Milagros in the pews as always continuing to endure and be some amazing converts.  As well as Kevin who got to pass the sacrament this week.  And seeing Paty and her daughters, who couldn't pay their light bill this month, filling out a tithing envelope was quite a tear tugger as well.  She is awesome.  I really didn't realize that I could do this on my own until I was asked to do it on my own this past week and I feel we did a really good job.  My prayers and my studies are now better because i have to be on my A game always. I realized how many blessings I've seen in my time in Limon as a missionary and it was just a great experience.

Well anyways I hope all you have a great week! 

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