Matthew 4:19

"And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Monday, February 2, 2015

Living the gospel is not just for Sundays

Hit 5 months today!  Whatssss gooood back in the united stizates? 

We had another solid week and the baptism went great with Kevin this past Saturday.  It went great!  His aunt Dianna (my mom in the misión) and I, did a song after his baptism... a mix of Spanish and English that was super tight of "Oh My Father" (O Mi Padre).  It was a special baptism and almost the whole ward was there for it.

Me and Elder F are doing great.   He's a great companion and probably the companion I'll learn the most from in the mission.  Right now the only hard part is I'm just kind of sick of this junior comp thing and taking orders.  Its a big test of patience but I'm learning!  But that's a small problem compared to what a lot of companionships go through.  And for the most part were solid and having success.  Paty and her two daughters will be baptized this Saturday which will come up to be 6 pretty amazing converts in one change.  In our mission that's just unheard of unless it's one big family. But I'm just grateful for what we have right now and our obedience that we're striving for and the work ethic that we have together.  Because of that, when we teach, the spirit is so strong.  Every night I'm absolutely dead exhausted but I can never say "man, we could've done more today". 

My quick spiritual thought for the week.  So missionary work here is obviously completely different than what it is in the states.  The problem here is there are so many inactive members of the church, but at the same time all the active and involved ones are incredible. The amount they sacrifice for the church and how they ALWAYS put Heavenly Father first is inspiring.  So I would just leave you with a thought of, How active are you, truly? Are you truly converted to the gospel?  It's easy to go to church every Sunday.  But I've realized that's not really the meaning of being "active" in the gospel.  I went to church almost every Sunday for 19 years of my life but looking back now, I realize I wasn't "truly active" nearly enough.  Being active to me really means sacrificing and ALWAYS putting Heavenly Father first and always growing and strengthening your testimony in any way possible. Daily. Not just Sundays.

I hope everyone is doing great!  Have a great week!

Love Elder Gurksnis
Walking miles everyday and playing soccer = calves for days

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