Matthew 4:19

"And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Domino Effect

Hey everyone! Hope everyone had a great week! 

So first off I got my christmas package from my mom this week. And I also got this awesome Christmas gift from the Opfars and I want y'all to know that I seriously love it!  Thanks so much for thinking of me.  In the christmas package from my family was a big christmas tree drawn on this monster paper and these "ornaments" which were different pictures of Christ.  On the back were messages from a bunch of different families from my ward back home.  I loved it so much!  It means so much to me to have so much support and so many prayers from my ward back home. Ive always loved my home ward but yes Ive realized that I definitely took all of the amazing families and leaders for granted.  Just wanted to say thank you for the example that all of you have set for me and again the support I know I have from you guys back home.  Y'all are amazing.  I also had some family pictures with little notes from each of my family members on the back of them... needless to say it was really rough reading those.  I loved them so much.  Thank you guys, all of you!

So as far as this week goes not too many crazy things.  I had the opportunity to baptize our investigator Fredrick Adolfo Ambrocio Aquino this past saturday!  I have his full name memorized like the back of my hand because I was super nervous I was gonna screw it up in the baptismal font so I practiced like crazy haha.  It was truly an amazing experience. He asked me to confer the Aaronic priesthood on him as well and that was pretty incredible too.  Both were firsts for me! I wouldn't be surprised if he's the best investigator I have in all my mission.  He has a desire to serve a mission already and is already preparing!  It makes you realize how even though it's one person and one baptism, how many more people than just one you're truly affecting.  All the people that he eventually affects in his mission is because we found him and were able to teach him.  And all the people that I affect on my mission are because of the missionaries that taught and baptized my dad in this church.  It's all a big miraculous domino effect of the Lord's work.  

We have a few more solid investigators.  December will be an interesting month because we have a lot of different types of investigators right now. We have one named Ana Lusia.  She was an original contact by Morgan and Cano, Morgan the companion of Cano before me.  But originally she didnt want to really listen to the lessons.  But something has changed and she really wants to be baptized!  She is really really doctrinally and "Bibley" smart and has a lot of great questions, but we've done a good job I think of responding to all of her questions with solid answers.  

As far as spanish, I think I really hit a new stride this week and I'm really starting to understand not everything but a lot!  It's starting to really improve!  Maybe another 2 months or so and I think Ill be super solid with spanish.  

To end this week, I just want to give a quick shout out to my mom.  I promise you that no one has a more amazing mother than I do!  She did so much to prepare me physically and spiritually for this mission.  She has done and continues to do so much for me.  The other day me and Cano ran out of money for the month because of a TON of sucky coincidences, and she was so worried and emailed our finance officers and sent a card and all this stuff all because she didnt want me to have to be without money for a while.  Just a small example of everything she does for me.  Mom, I love you so much!  Can't wait to talk to my family on Christmas!

Next week!
Texas Forever, 
Elder Gurksnis
 Guatemalan doorways can be hazardous to your health.
Great reunion this week with some of Sam's friends from the MTC.

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