Matthew 4:19

"And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Monday, September 26, 2016

My Real Trainer

This week was pretty amazing. We had 8 investigators in church this week which was incredible! All of them who previously only stayed for sacrament meeting are all now staying through the classes and Priesthood and Relief Society. We've seen tons of miracles. 

The hermanas in my district when this change started had 4 new investigators in two weeks and maybe one or two investigators in church. Theyve been continuingly getting better and better every week until this week they had 15 new investigators and 4 people in sacrament meeting! They completed the mission goal for the first time in their missions. I was super proud of them.

One experience I wanted to share: Me and Elder Leiva were having a deep conversation this week and were talking about a lot of things hes gone through in the mission and his conversion story. He was telling me about his first two changes compared to this change and basically long story short he said, "even though on my missionary papers it will always say Elder blank trained me, you were my trainer in the mission and taught me how to work hard and dedicate this short time to the Lord, and how exact obedience brings miracles." We were both tearing up. 

It was a humbling moment and I wont ever forget what he said to me. His mission experience has been almost identical to my first, because I said the exact same thing almost word for word to Elder Funes who was my second companion but my real trainer in the mission. Ill always be thankful and indebted to Elder Funes because he truly changed my life. I was more than humbled in that moment knowing that that's the effect Elder Funes had on me and to know that my companion told me of the affect I was able to have on him was the same.

I dont share any of these experiences for my own praise, but so that hopefully yall that read them can feel the spirit through my experiences and become closer to our Savior. 

"For behold, in my name they are called. And if they know me they shall come forth, and shall have a place eternally at my right hand." Mosiah 26:24

Have a great week.
Love always,
Elder Gurksnis

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