Matthew 4:19

"And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Monday, January 12, 2015

Change is Good

So this past Tuesday we had changes and my new companion is Elder Funes!  He was companions with Elder Konold before me, my buddy from the MTC.  How crazy huh?  Shoot.  I thought Elder C and I worked hard .. this guy is insane! haha We have not lost a minute of time during the day.  He's an absolutely incredible missionary.  It's been awesome because with Elder C he was just super difficult and I didn't get much say in what we did.  But with Funes we've been coming up with some awesome ideas and just working our butts off.  There's not a more committed missionary in the mission that I can promise.  haha It's a little difficult at times when he tells me that I have to say "Elder" and then the last name or can't use "vos" which is like the informal way or kind of slangy way to talk here.  Little things like that.  But I can't really say "no, your wrong" cause he's right but its a little difficult at times. He's very formal and not super outgoing during the day until we get home at night and then he loosens up a bit.  But he's a great companion and I can't even tell you how much I've learned from him just in these past 6 days.  

With Elder C I learned a lot about my personality and how to deal with people that you don't get along with lol.  But he was all about numbers and I couldn't stand it.  With Elder Funes we both have a love for our ward and for the people and we do what's right.  During the day I'm exhausted, but when we get home at night its just kind of "wow we had a good day today."  The hardest thing is not spending a lot of time with Dany and Dianna who are my family here because again we just don't waste a minute of time. But I know that we're working hard.  We had 7 investigators at church this week!  Can you believe that? We're baptizing Molly and Milagros and we have 5 other baptismal dates right now!  I've seen so many miracles this week.  We simply contacted this one girl for a few minutes and she said she would go to church.  We passed by her house at 7:30 Sunday morning to bring her and her dad said she wasn't there and had already made previous commitments.  We were somewhat disappointed. We showed up to church and there she was, in the pews waving to us.  It was amazing. Our success is incredible and I know its all because of the Lord and He's blessing us for our hard work and obedience.  I hope you all have a great week:)

Love Elder Gurksnis

How many Guatemalans can you fit on one bus?

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