Matthew 4:19

"And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Monday, October 27, 2014

What matters most.

Welp I dont have a ton of time this week but had a great week this week! The homesickness has settled down a bit and we're really focused. I have my first baptism this saturday with Hermano Carlos and I cant wait!  He's a really awesome guy we met my first day here.  I've seen some pretty crazy things that I would describe as unhuman and I'll go ahead and save yall from those experiences haha but just keep me in your prayers for safety! hahaha

Freaking cowboys holy crap of course the year i leave they look great.... honestly one of the hardest things is not being able to watch my team.  And what the deuce happened... KC and SF?  where did that come from?

Here I've definitely noticed what really matters in life. That is this gospel, and your family.  I'm so thankful for my friends and for the times we had, but when you're in a situation like this you realize how important and how much you love your family, and how much you realize you need Christ and his Atonement.

Right now the most difficult part is even though were doing a ton, i personally want to do more to contribute but i cant because I'm not fluent yet obviously.  It's humbling for sure.  I want to have more responsibility but its just a matter of time before the language is there.  

I read in Alma this week. Alma 37:6-7 ¨By small and simple things are great things brought to pass¨. If we have faith and courage and strength in the Lord, he can perform miracles.  

Love all yall and thanks for everything that each one of you have done for me… can't express how much each of yall have affected my mission and my attitude. 

Texas forever, 
Elder G

Sam's answers to some of my questions:

Mom:  I really want to know what your eating.  Have you gotten sick at all? (In Guatemala the missionaries don't get fed by the church members there).
Sam:  I eat basically pbjs and really simple things for everything.  Our kitchen has a lot of insects and is just dirty so I don't like cooking in there and try to keep it simple.  Its fine for now!  Hopefully my next apartment is a little cleaner and i can cook more.  I think we're gonna clean really good next week. I eat a lot of apples from Walmart.  I haven't gotten sick.  I've been fine.

Mom: I want pics of your apartment.  I can handle it!  What's it like?  What's Limon like?
Sam:  Yeah dawg it ain't no Holiday Inn das fo sho!  Seriously its not that bad.  There's one area that we just stay away from because when we went there I was seriously scared. My heart was pumping. Everyone was staring at me like they wanted to hurt me and we got out of there and Cano called the pres and he said, yea gringos can't go there.  But outside that area is totally fine.  I hear gunshots a lot haha but its not bad. And I'm taking care of myself for sure.

Mom:  Are you okay?  Do you get scared in Limon?
Sam:  I'm scared of getting jock itch.

Mom:  How is your Book of Mormon reading going?  Spanish or English?
Sam:  I'm on like page 400 of the BOM.  I really slowed down and try to understand every verse now and every single word otherwise I would've been done.  I get to read about 4 or 5 chapters a day in english and its by far my fave part of the day.

Mom: How is it going with the people you're teaching?
Sam:  Our investigators were great this week and we had a solid week.  This saturday we're baptizing Carlos and I think we'll have at least 3 more baptisms in the month of November.  We are having a lot of success in this area.  But its because we're obedient and we work hard.  I can't wait to have more responsibility and i just work my butt off and a lot of the time I'm the one thats pushing us.  I'm not being prideful hahah I'm just telling you how I'm doing! And its definitely not about the numbers.  Like there's two people that i told Cano, dude even though they qualify I'm not gonna baptize them because they would go inactive in one week.  Like we only baptize people that are ready.

 I love Elder Cano's Santa tie.. in October:)  Some sister missionaries in their district.

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