Matthew 4:19

"And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What's up Merica?

Oh my gosh… What's up U.S. of Merica? How is everyone doing?  Ya boi officially has one week of the MTC under his belt! Thank you all for your emails unfortunately I'm super limited on time so I can't write anything other than this main one but please continue to let me know how y'all are doing back in the states!

I shaved (buzzed) my head the first day along with everyone else here and my fear and thought that I already had a receding hairline is now gone cause the buzz doesn't look too shabby and my hairline is solid. But shoutout to Zach Kubala for making me worry about it for the last few years!!! They took our cameras cause apparently some Latinos were "not doing good things" with them so we get em back when we go to the field.  I would've had a pic of my whole branch but in the ultimate Gurksnis move I stood in the wrong branch line and got in the wrong pic.. but its all good we take another one next week when the newbies come!

First off, absolutely no one warned me about how hard the MTC is.  We really are in class from 730am til 930pm at night other than meals and an hour of sports time.  It's stressful to say the least.  I think Michael Gleason was the one who said it was a necessary evil and I think that's the best way to describe it.  But I've actually had so much fun too... way more than I thought I would after the first day!  I've been blessed with an awesome district of 8 dudes that I'm with all day.  It's seriously crazy how different we all are. None of us are the same in the least.  But we get along so well and I've honestly laughed more and harder in the last few days than I have in a longgggg time jaja!  It's myself, Elder Duncan, Dawson, Flygare, Chabreis (West Point dude), Aubrey, Kanold and Elder Jarvie aka Elder Woody because he looks like Woody from Toy Story.  So much so that all the Latinos sing "Youve got a friend in me" in their very very broken english to him as they tuck him into bed every single night which is one of the funniest things i've ever witnessed. 

As far as spanish goes, I know more spanish in one week here than I learned in three years of high school.  I can pray in spanish, bare my testimony, and even have short conversations already. My accent is pretty good too. My problem is understanding what theyre saying.  But I can speak fairly well! Tu madre. (yo momma)

Theres a lot of rules to say the least.  Following them isn't too bad though.  Other than being with your companion (Elder Duncan) at all times and not really talking to girls here.  There's a couple girls (hermanas) where typically I'd be like, "yo shawty whatcho name" but I don't think that really flys here jaja.  but yeah not having any time to yourself or to relax is rough at times but it's not as bad as I thought. 

I heard my Cougars opened another caaaaaannnnnnn of whoop trasero (dont translate that one) on UT this past week and there's Taysom Hill talk for Heisman thats whats up!!!  Mom and dad I seriously need the sports updates every week.  Cowboys Mavs Cougars Aggies need em all!

My mtc president is an intense guy.  He reminds me of one of the characters Jeff Dunham the Achmed the dead terrorist comedian guy does... not the terrorist thankfully but that old guy, Walter.  you'll have to look it up haha

Guatemala itself from what I've seen is beautiful.  Small, green mountains with random monster valcanoes.  When it's not raining its awesome weather but it rains a lot. 

My comp is Elder Duncan and he's a really nice guy.  He's our district leader for the next two weeks.  He's from the bubble that is Utah... Very straight and rule following guy to say the least haha. I don't think he gets most of my "thats what she said jokes" which is probably for the better.  He tries really hard and is a good guy.  E. Duncan and I also made a goal to read the entire Book of Mormon in spanish by the time we're out of the MTC (5 more weeks).  I'm already on 2nd Nephi 5 and if we do complete it, which we're on pace to do, we'll be the first ones to do it in the Guatemala MTC! (as proud tears from moms face roll like the Rio Grande).
I'd be lying if I didn't say that I don't have a "What the heck am I doing here I wanna go home" thought every single day.  But every day I get some sort of confirmation as to why I'm here.  Last night we had a devotional and listened to a talk by Elder Holland a while back... How selfish would it be for me to go home because of a little discomfort or stress or do something stupid to get me sent home, and keep all those people I would have shared the gospel with from hearing it.  I miss my family so much and have definitely had my share of tears already, but I can sacrifice a few years of my life so that I can tell entire families that they can live together for eternity with their Heavenly Father.  I love this gospel and I love and miss every single one of you! 

Mom, dad, gray, abby I love all you guys.  I pray every day that y'all will be comforted and I know you guys miss me but I promise this is what I'm suppose to be doing! I loved all your letters and I love all of you so much.  I'll write again next week!  Mom I'm sorry I literally dont have time to even read emails so please just try to send letters so i can read them and then respond on my p-days!

Until next week,
Adios and Texas Forever
Elder Gurksnis

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